Mamaroneck Town Hall is the site of the yearly Town of Mamaroneck Repair Cafes.

Town of mamaroneck

The Town of Mamaroneck Repair Cafe is brought to you by the Town of Mamaroneck Sustainability Collaborative and co-sponsored by the Village of Larchmont Environmental Committee and the Village of Mamaroneck Committee for the Environment. It has traditionally been held once a year in November on a Sunday afternoon.

We are looking for residents who enjoy sharing their fixing skills with their neighbors. We are also looking for people who wish to fulfill the role of host/hostess. We’ll have baked goods and healthy snacks to welcome visitors. We are especially looking for people who are handy with repairing/mending:

  • clothing/textiles

  • bicycles

  • electrical appliances

  • woodworking/furniture

  • electronics

  • clocks/watches

Town of Mamaroneck Sustainability Collaborative

Village of Mamaroneck Committee for the Environment

Larchmont Environmental Committee

Interested in volunteering for the Repair Café or have questions?  Call Town Supervisor Jaine Elkind Eney’s office at 914.381.7805 or email

The team of volunteers pose before a busy day at the 2023 Town of Mamaroneck Repair Cafe

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Mamaroneck Senior Center
1288 Boston Post Rd.
Larchmont, NY 10538



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